Wednesday, March 31, 2010

everybody in the club needs tips...

1. Diet Coke preserves your fat cells? The Aspartame in the Diet Coke preserves the fat cells in your body and it also stimulates your cravings for salt and/or sweet.

2. Beans are the a great source of protein. Try them as an alternative to meat. If you are having more than one serving of meat a day then you are not being good to your heart and your body. Try putting beans on your salad. To make you feel extra healthy, get your beans from a health store (dry) and then soak them overnight in water (8 hours) and then you will notice some will spout and plump up. You will get maximum amount of nutrition from them this way. If you get canned beans, it's best to get organic and rinse them completely before pouring them into the pan.

Maybe you can start out slow introducing beans with adding low sodium salsa to black beans. Cook them over low heat for an hour and it tastes great!
I also found a great two-bean chili recipe to lower cholesterol.

--- Also a great dessert for Cuban dishes is frozen mangoes. Trader Joes has the best!

3. If you are going to go out to eat but you still want to be healthy... there are a ton of places that are organic and vegan in Costa Mesa. If you don't live in this area or don't want to go to that extreme, go sushi. I have read so many studies and learned in my nutrition class that it's the best thing to eat when you go out for dinner. Choose brown rice rolls.  Try to stay away from tempura and the cream cheese filled rolls but other than that, your only un-nutritional part of your meal is the white rice. Enjoy it. It's fun!

4. Drink Essentia Water. It's the best water for you because it alkalines your PH Balance. You can purchase it at Mother's Market. I have tried every water you can think of especially when I worked at the Ritz Carlton in Phoenix because the celebrities would request the most unheard of waters from different countries. This one makes the most sense and actually tastes the best. Try it out.

5. Breakfast choice: Steel Cut Oats. I get them from Trader Joes but I hear they have them in bulk at Costco now. Cook a good portion for the week and scoop out for the week. Add a chopped apple and a few walnuts (maybe some soy milk or rice milk) and there is a healthy, filling and quick breakfast for you. When I had this every morning, I had more energy and felt better than ever. It would also satisfy me until lunch time.

6. If you are feeling like you need to fit into some jeans or loose some excess water weight? Eat spinach. Incorporate spinach in your diet as much as you can. An easy recipe is take half a bag of spinach, rinse, place in a bowl, put a plate over top and then microwave for 1 1/2 minutes. Add lemon, pepper and any other spice. It's very filling and so healthy for you.

7. If you are really trying to get in shape and have time, try to work out in the morning and then in a second time in the afternoon or night. It sounds obsessive, but it will help you feel and see results almost twice as fast.  Also, your second run at night will feel like a piece of cake...

8. If you inhale through your nose, bringing the oxygen all the way up to the top of your ribs and then exhale your breath all the way out through your mouth until you have no more breath left... this will release all of your toxins in your lungs. These toxins are bacteria that can lead to simple sicknesses and stresses or diseases that can become chronic and serious. We practice this breathing for the entire hour of pilates while twisting and working and it's so effective for every muscle.

9. Are you an apple or a pear?

The shape of your body can tell you if you're at risk for certain types of diseases.
Measure around your waist, and then around your hips. If your waist size divided by your hip size is greater than 0.9 to 1.0 for men or 0.8 to 0.9 for women, you're more likely to have heart trouble.

Excess weight—and waist circumference—puts you at risk for heart disease, primarily because it makes other risk factors worse—things like blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. But it also is a risk factor on its own. You might be a non-smoking vegetarian with good blood pressure, but if you're obese, you're still more likely than a thinner person to have heart trouble or diabetes. Losing weight and inches off your waist helps lower that risk.

Obesity is when you have too much body fat, as opposed to extra weight caused by muscles or water retention. The major cause of obesity is taking in more calories than you burn off with exercise or daily living. A common, though not perfect, way to find out if you're overweight is to use the body mass index.

People with a BMI of 25 or higher—especially people with a BMI over 30—should consider losing weight to protect their health. Use this BMI calculator to see if you're at a healthy weight for your height.

Disclaimer: I am in no way a nutritionist or a dietitian, just enjoy organic foods, eating healthy and staying healthy. I have picked up these tips through books I have read, articles I am interested in and personal experience.


Sarah said...

Great tips. I love this blog! I grew up eating lot's of beans. Well...being Mexican has a little to do with this. I still always cook my beans by soaking them first. I then boil them with lot's of cilantro, onions and a little salt. I then eat them in their juice and add a fresh lime to the soupy mix. My favorite meal ever. I'm not going to lie sometimes I fry the beans after they boil but shhh... this is a healthy blog.


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